My services.

  • Strategic Planning

    Strategic planning is an essential practice for any social purpose organization, whether you are a nonprofit, charity or grass-roots organization. A strong strategic plan will centre your mission, provide direction for your work and allow you to not only deepen, but also measure the impact of your efforts.

    My interactive and engaging strategic planning sessions fully immerse staff, board members and/or volunteers in the process. Participants will feel a sense of ownership resulting in greater long-term outcomes and achievement of objectives and goals.

    Strategic planning services are curated based on your organizations unique needs. Potential activities include:

    • Mission, Vision & Values Development or Revamp

    • SWOT Analysis

    • Setting Strategic direction, objectives & SMART goals

    • Stakeholder Engagement

    • Strategy Mapping

    • Impact & Outcome Evaluation

  • Design Thinking for Social Innovation

    “Design thinking allows high-impact solutions to social problems to bubble up from below rather than being imposed from the top.” (Stanford Social Innovation Review)

    Design Thinking is a human-centred, non-linear and iterative process that addresses complex social problems using a six stage process:

    • Empathize

    • Define

    • Ideate

    • Prototype

    • Test

    • Implement

    Design Thinking sessions are offered as mini or maxi workshops allowing you to dip your toes in or dive deeply into creative and innovation solutions to the problems your organization is trying to tackle.

  • Intentional Volunteer Engagement

    Volunteers are the pulse of any social purpose organization and when volunteer management is done right you will see your mission come to life!

    This session is intended to support organizations in applying best practices (and evolving trends!) in volunteer management including:

    • Designing volunteer positions

    • Recruitment & onboarding

    • Volunteer recognition & retention - i.e. deep engagement

    • “Off-boarding” volunteers

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    Tokenism does not work - but equitable and inclusive practices can deepen your impact, expand your networks and move us all toward a more just society.

    In partnership with subject matter experts DEI sessions include:

    • Inclusive Recruitment & Retention (Staff, Volunteers and/or Board Members)

    • Belonging Beyond ‘DEI’: Strategies For Putting Learning into Action

    • Building the Runway for Millennials & Gen Z’s in the Sector

    Sessions can be offered as half-day workshops OR maxi sessions including a DEI audit, workshop, and process/policy/practice implementation support.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (For-Profit Companies!)

    Are you looking for opportunities for your company to give back in a meaningful way? Not sure how to find the right opportunity or where to start? Let’s work together to find the right mission-driven organization for your company to partner with!

    Areas of expertise include:

    • Financial Contributions (Targeted funding, sponorships, etc.)

    • Employer Supported Volunteer Programs

    • Partnered Programs/Collaborative Initiatives

    Just looking for a presentation on the benefits of volunteering and how your staff can get involved? I can do that too!

  • Public Speaking & Webinars

    Looking for a guest speaker, keynote address or a collaborator for an upcoming webinar?

    Complete the contact form to tell me more.

    You can also view upcoming webinars hosted by me on Eventbrite


  • All offerings include a 30 minute exploratory meeting to understand your organization, your goals, potential challenges or road blocks AND to determine if we are a good fit for one another!

    Following the exploratory meeting your organization will be sent a proposal to review and provide feedback on and from there we will sign an agreement.

    In preparation for the session participants may be required to complete a pre-workshop survey.

    Additional organizational information may be requested where necessary

  • A mini is a one-day session where we move through the stages at a quicker pace. This session will allow your team to begin exploring new solutions and will equip them to continue the process independently

    A maxi session is a 6 month process allowing ample time to dive deeply into each stage including an opportunity properly prototype and test solutions

  • Both! Depending on where you are in Southwestern Ontario I may be able to come to you.

    Anywhere else in Canada? Don’t sweat it! We can work together to put together an effective virtual session for you team

  • I specialize in working with grass-roots organizations and small-medium sized nonprofits & charities.

    Not sure if I’m the right consultant for you? Let’s jump on a call! If I’m not the right fit I will happily refer you to other incredible consultants in my network.

  • Cost is based on the service offered, prep time required, length of sessions and number of participants.

    Cost is determined on a sliding scale based on organizational budget

  • After signing the service agreement all clients are required to pay a 50% deposit on their session.

    At the completion of the agreement clients are required to pay in full.

    Payment can be made by cheque or e-transfer.

    *Payment schedules may very depending on the length of the agreement period